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It’s our 20th birthday – and it all began with a game of pool

NEWS RELEASE: Monday 9 August 2021 marks Abintra’s 20th birthday as the leader in providing data and insight relating to workspace utilisation and workplace environmental conditions.

Our founding directors, Stuart Ainslie, Tony Booty and Paul Hallam, first had the idea for desk sensor technology over a game of pool!

Since then, Abintra’s new technologies and expertise have helped corporations worldwide to optimise their real estate.

From managing back-to-work to environmental sensors, we’re proud to lead our industry.

Heartfelt thanks to our amazing team and partners who have made it such an incredible journey.

And to our customers over the past 20 years including:

Accenture, Aon, Aspen, Barclays, BG Group, BP Group, University of Brighton , Chevron, Credit Suisse, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, Dow ArgoSciences, EDF energy, Ericsson, Exxon, GE, GE Capital, GMPTE, Greater London Authority, Johnson & Johnson, Latham and Watkins, London Gatwick Airport, Mayo Clinic, National Housing Federation, Pfizer, PRS for Music, Procter & Gamble, RBS, Rolls Royce, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Futures Trust, Société Générale, SPIE, Steelcase, Tesco, Transport for London, Twitter, UBS, Visa, Willis Group, West Sussex County Council, Wishard Health Services and the University of York.

Our success would not have been possible without you.