International Insurance Company

Typical of many of our clients looking to move to a new corporate HQ or have a mature lead and understanding of flexible working, the team wanted to generate data on existing use and to profile the teams and groups to establish a forward-thinking approach to real-estate within the new building.

This real-estate team was a relatively early adopter and given the gravity of the move task had to quite naturally take a considered and conservative approach with regard to accommodation numbers. Their target was an 8:10 ratio, 8 desks for 10 people even though the data suggested considerably better than this. In reality they outperformed this figure representing around a 30% improvement in workstations alone, and some £8 million annual saving.

This has matured and continues to mature in terms of reliable accommodation allowing them to lose their final support building and provide truly flexible space along with easily found meeting or collaborative space. This project has further broadened to their European teams and across the USA with a full global intention.

The results

30% improvement in desks-to-people ratio and £8 million annual saving